Monday, 2 January 2012

A to do list...


to-do list


a list of tasks that need to be completed, typically organized in order of priority:

a to do list is really a work in progress, there are lots of different things I want to do and make, but life doesnt always allow enough time to do them! This year I have set myself the task of 100 projects...

Bunting! I'd like to make some for both of my daughter's bedrooms, plus some for the living room - I really like the style of this here  at Whipup.

Also, paper / card bunting, I love the shapes and colours that you can use - shall try that too!!

my lovely friends

I also need to make a changing bag for my friend (see above) who is expecting her first child. I intend on slightly adapting the bag from Sew Resourceful's amazing tutorial which is just fabby! With matching bags for inside, I thought prism pouches would work, plus they are super simple and really handy. Did you see the blanket I made my nephew? Thought I'd make another one too - which is here, I wonder if my sister in law uses it?

OOO plus, photoshop tutorials, I have written two more but need to upload them.

Right... best get on with it.

I need some advice re making a quilt, any one help?


  1. 100 projects? That's two a week! OK - so I've set myself the task of a weekly inchie (so that's 50) but somehow 100 sounds like LOADS! Good luck with them.

  2. I know, and when I add to that working two part time jobs, having two small children and the large chance we will be building an extension and moving house, I think I'm crazy!!

    I love your Inchies :)
